Sewa Mobil dan Motor Bali Lepas Kunci Murah – Pilihan Terbaik di Translia

Apakah Anda sedang merencanakan liburan di Bali dan membutuhkan kendaraan yang nyaman dan fleksibel? Translia hadir sebagai solusi terbaik bagi Anda yang mencari layanansewa mobil Bali lepas kuncidansewa motor Bali lepas kunci. Kami menawarkan berbagai jenis kendaraan yang bisa Anda sewa tanpa supir, sehingga Anda dapat menikmati liburan dengan lebih bebas dan fleksibel.

Keunggulan Layanan Sewa Mobil dan Motor di Translia

  1. Pilihan Kendaraan LengkapTranslia menyediakan berbagai pilihan mobil dan motor yang bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan Anda. Mulai darisewa mobil matic Bali lepas kunci, mobil manual, hinggasewa mobil mewah Bali lepas kunciseperti Fortuner dan Jimny. Bagi Anda yang ingin menikmati suasana Bali dengan motor, tersedia juga motor sepertiVespa, Nmax, Scoopy, hinggamotor trail Bali lepas kunci.
  2. Layanan Tanpa Ribet dan Tanpa JaminanKami memahami bahwa kenyamanan Anda adalah prioritas kami. Oleh karena itu, Translia menawarkansewa mobil di Bali tanpa driver dan tanpa jaminanyang memudahkan Anda untuk segera mendapatkan kendaraan tanpa proses yang rumit. Cukup dengan menunjukkan identitas dan kelengkapan dokumen lainnya, Anda sudah bisa membawa kendaraan pilihan Anda.
  3. Harga Terjangkau dan TransparanHarga yang kami tawarkan sangat kompetitif dan transparan. Kami memiliki berbagai paket yang dapat disesuaikan dengan budget Anda, mulai darisewa mobil harian Bali lepas kunci,sewa mobil bulanan Bali lepas kunci, hingga paketsewa motor Bali full day lepas kunci. Kami juga menyediakan promo spesial untuk penyewaan jangka panjang sehingga Anda bisa lebih hemat.
  4. Fleksibilitas dan Kebebasan dalam BerkendaraDengan layananrental mobil Bali tanpa supir, Anda memiliki kebebasan penuh dalam mengatur perjalanan Anda. Tidak perlu bergantung pada driver, Anda bisa mengunjungi berbagai destinasi wisata di Bali sesuai keinginan, mulai dari Kuta, Seminyak, hingga Ubud. Begitu pula dengansewa motor Bali lepas kunci, Anda dapat menikmati perjalanan seru di Bali dengan rute yang Anda tentukan sendiri.
  5. Kendaraan Terawat dengan BaikKami selalu memastikan kendaraan dalam kondisi prima sebelum disewa. Semua mobil dan motor kami rutin menjalani perawatan sehingga Anda bisa berkendara dengan aman dan nyaman. Selain itu, kami juga menyediakan layanan darurat 24 jam untuk membantu Anda jika terjadi masalah di jalan.

Mengapa Memilih Translia?

Paket Terbaik dari Translia

Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan, Translia menyediakan beberapa paket sewa kendaraan yang bisa Anda pilih:
  1. Paket Sewa Mobil HarianCocok untuk Anda yang berencana melakukan perjalanan singkat di Bali. Pilihan kendaraan mulai dari mobil matic hingga mobil mewah tersedia untuk sewa harian dengan harga yang kompetitif.
  2. Paket Sewa Motor Full DayNikmati serunya berkendara dengan motor di Bali selama satu hari penuh. Paket ini sangat cocok bagi Anda yang ingin menjelajahi setiap sudut Bali tanpa batasan waktu.
  3. Paket Sewa Mobil BulananBagi Anda yang membutuhkan kendaraan untuk jangka panjang, kami menawarkanrental mobil bulanan Bali lepas kuncidengan harga spesial. Sangat cocok untuk Anda yang berencana tinggal di Bali dalam waktu lama atau untuk kebutuhan bisnis.

Cara Booking di Translia

Proses booking di Translia sangat mudah. Anda cukup mengunjungi website kami atau menghubungi tim layanan pelanggan kami. Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
  1. Pilih jenis kendaraan yang ingin Anda sewa (mobil atau motor).
  2. Tentukan durasi penyewaan (harian, mingguan, atau bulanan).
  3. Isi data diri dan lakukan konfirmasi pesanan.
  4. Ambil kendaraan di lokasi kami atau pilih layanan antar-jemput ke lokasi Anda.

Testimoni Pelanggan

Banyak pelanggan yang telah merasakan kenyamanan dan kepuasan dengan layanan kami. Berikut beberapa testimoni dari pelanggan Translia:


Jika Anda mencarirental mobil Bali tanpa supiratausewa motor Bali lepas kunci murah, Translia adalah pilihan terbaik untuk Anda. Dengan berbagai pilihan kendaraan, harga terjangkau, serta layanan yang cepat dan profesional, Translia siap membuat liburan Anda di Bali lebih nyaman dan menyenangkan. Jadi, tunggu apa lagi? Segera hubungi kami dan nikmati perjalanan Anda di Bali bersama Translia!

FAQ Umum tentang Sewa Mobil dan Motor di Bali

  1. Apa saja keuntungan sewa mobil Bali lepas kunci murah?Jawaban:Dengan menyewa mobil lepas kunci di Bali, Anda memiliki kebebasan penuh untuk mengatur perjalanan tanpa batasan waktu atau rute. Selain itu, harga sewa yang terjangkau dapat menghemat biaya perjalanan Anda.
  2. Bagaimana cara melakukan sewa motor di Bali tanpa jaminan?Jawaban:Anda bisa menyewa motor di Bali tanpa memberikan jaminan dengan menunjukkan KTP dan data diri lainnya.Transliamenyediakan layanan sewa tanpa deposit untuk memudahkan pelanggan.
  3. Apakah saya bisa rental mobil Bali tanpa supir?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenyediakan layanan rental mobil tanpa supir. Anda bisa memilih berbagai jenis mobil sesuai kebutuhan dan mengendarainya sendiri.
  4. Apa keuntungan sewa motor Nmax Bali lepas kunci?Jawaban:Yamaha Nmax menawarkan kenyamanan berkendara dengan performa mesin yang bertenaga. Sistem lepas kunci memungkinkan Anda menikmati perjalanan tanpa perlu driver, memberikan fleksibilitas dan privasi lebih.
  5. Apakah tersedia sewa mobil harian di Bali dengan sistem lepas kunci?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenyediakan layanan sewa mobil harian dengan sistem lepas kunci, ideal bagi Anda yang hanya membutuhkan kendaraan untuk satu hari penuh.
  6. Apakah sewa mobil matic di Bali lebih mudah?Jawaban:Ya, menyewa mobil matic sangat direkomendasikan bagi mereka yang ingin berkendara dengan lebih santai, terutama di daerah perkotaan yang ramai dan padat.
  7. Apakah ada layanan sewa mobil Bali 24 jam lepas kunci?Jawaban:Transliamenyediakan layanan sewa mobil 24 jam penuh dengan sistem lepas kunci, sehingga Anda bisa menyewa kapan saja, baik siang maupun malam.
  8. Berapa harga sewa motor Vespa lepas kunci di Bali?Jawaban:Harga sewa motor Vespa lepas kunci di Bali mulai dari Rp 100.000 hingga Rp 150.000 per hari, tergantung model dan durasi sewa yang Anda pilih.
  9. Apakah tersedia sewa mobil Elf Bali lepas kunci untuk rombongan?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenawarkan sewa mobil Elf lepas kunci yang cocok untuk perjalanan kelompok besar, seperti rombongan wisata atau acara keluarga.
  10. Bagaimana prosedur sewa motor di Bali tanpa SIM?Jawaban:Anda tetap bisa menyewa motor di Bali meski tanpa SIM internasional. Namun, untuk menghindari masalah dengan pihak berwajib, disarankan untuk memiliki SIM internasional atau SIM lokal.
  11. Apakah tersedia sewa mobil di area Kuta lepas kunci?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenyediakan layanan sewa mobil lepas kunci di area Kuta, memudahkan Anda menjelajahi kawasan wisata populer seperti Pantai Kuta dan Legian.
  12. Bagaimana cara sewa motor di Seminyak lepas kunci?Jawaban:Anda bisa memesan melalui website atau menghubungiTransliasecara langsung. Proses sewa mudah dengan pengantaran motor ke lokasi Anda di sekitar Seminyak.
  13. Apakah saya bisa sewa mobil di Bali dekat bandara tanpa supir?Jawaban:Ya, Anda bisa menyewa mobil lepas kunci langsung dari Bandara Ngurah Rai.Transliamenyediakan layanan pengantaran kendaraan ke bandara untuk kenyamanan Anda.
  14. Apa saja pilihan motor yang tersedia untuk wisatawan di Ubud?Jawaban:Di Ubud, Anda bisa memilih motor seperti Honda Scoopy, Yamaha Nmax, atau Vespa untuk menjelajahi area pedesaan dan destinasi wisata dengan lebih praktis.
  15. Apakah ada sewa mobil Jimny lepas kunci di Bali untuk off-road?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenyediakan sewa Suzuki Jimny yang ideal untuk off-road, cocok bagi Anda yang ingin mengeksplorasi jalan-jalan menantang di Bali.
  16. Mengapa sewa mobil Bali tanpa driver lebih hemat?Jawaban:Menyewa mobil tanpa driver menghemat biaya karena Anda tidak perlu membayar jasa supir. Anda juga memiliki kebebasan penuh untuk mengatur waktu dan rute perjalanan.
  17. Apakah saya bisa sewa mobil lepas kunci tanpa deposit di Bali?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenyediakan layanan sewa mobil tanpa perlu deposit, sehingga proses penyewaan menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat.
  18. Apakah ada layanan sewa motor full day di Bali?Jawaban:Ya, Anda bisa menyewa motor untuk full day dengan sistem lepas kunci, memungkinkan Anda menikmati perjalanan seharian penuh tanpa batas waktu.
  19. Bagaimana cara sewa mobil di Bali dengan asuransi?Jawaban:Saat melakukan booking, Anda bisa memilih paket sewa mobil dengan asuransi untuk melindungi dari risiko kecelakaan atau kerusakan kendaraan selama penggunaan.
  20. Apakah saya bisa sewa mobil di Bali lepas kunci tanpa batas jarak?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenawarkan opsi sewa mobil tanpa batasan jarak, memungkinkan Anda berkendara sepuasnya tanpa biaya tambahan berdasarkan jarak tempuh.
  21. Apakah tersedia sewa mobil Fortuner lepas kunci di Bali?Jawaban:Ya, Anda bisa menyewa Toyota Fortuner dengan sistem lepas kunci di Bali, ideal bagi Anda yang mencari pengalaman berkendara dengan SUV mewah dan tangguh.
  22. Bagaimana cara sewa motor Aerox di Bali?Jawaban:Anda bisa menghubungiTransliauntuk memesan Yamaha Aerox dengan sistem lepas kunci. Motor ini terkenal dengan performa yang sporty dan nyaman untuk perjalanan jauh.
  23. Apakah ada pilihan sewa mobil Ertiga di Bali lepas kunci?Jawaban:Ya, Suzuki Ertiga tersedia untuk disewa dengan sistem lepas kunci, cocok bagi keluarga yang menginginkan kenyamanan dengan ruang kabin yang luas.
  24. Bisakah saya sewa motor Ninja di Bali lepas kunci?Jawaban:Ya, tersedia pilihan sewa motor Kawasaki Ninja dengan sistem lepas kunci, ideal bagi pecinta motor sport yang ingin menjelajahi Bali dengan gaya.
  25. Apakah ada paket wisata yang mencakup sewa motor lepas kunci di Bali?Jawaban:Ya,Transliamenawarkan paket wisata yang mencakup sewa motor lepas kunci, termasuk panduan rute dan rekomendasi tempat wisata populer yang bisa Anda kunjungi.

Discover the Freedom of Bali with Car and Motorbike Rentals Without a Driver

Bali, the Island of the Gods, is known for its stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and lively atmosphere. Whether you’re planning to explore the island’s beautiful beaches, visit its historic temples, or venture into its lush jungles, the best way to experience all that Bali has to offer is with the freedom and flexibility of a car or motorbike rental without a driver. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of renting a car or motorbike in Bali, the different options available, and why it’s the ideal choice for your Bali adventure.

Why Choose a Car or Motorbike Rental Without a Driver?

When you choose aBali car rental without a driver, you’re in control of your travel plans. Forget about the constraints of a fixed itinerary or being bound by someone else’s schedule. Renting a car or motorbike without a driver gives you the ultimate flexibility, allowing you to explore Bali at your own pace. Whether you want to head to the popular beaches, discover hidden gems in the mountains, or take a scenic drive through the countryside, the choice is yours. For those who prefer motorbikes, amotorbike rental Bali without a driveroffers a unique and exciting way to navigate the island. Bali’s narrow lanes, picturesque roads, and scenic routes are perfect for exploring by bike. Motorbikes are ideal for both short trips around town and longer journeys to distant attractions.

Affordable and Convenient Rental Options

One of the major advantages of renting a vehicle in Bali without a driver is theaffordability. Compared to hiring a car or motorbike with a driver, renting without a driver significantly reduces the cost. This makes it an ideal choice for budget-conscious travelers who still want the freedom to explore the island without limitations. Whether you’re looking for acheap motorbike rental Bali without a driveror a more luxurious vehicle, there are options available to suit your needs and budget.Bali car rental without a driveroffers a wide range of vehicles, from compact cars for solo travelers or couples to larger vehicles like SUVs and minivans for families or groups.

Types of Vehicles You Can Rent in Bali

1. Rent an SUV Bali Without a Driver

For those who want a little more space and comfort,renting an SUV in Bali without a driveris an excellent choice. SUVs are perfect for families, groups, or those planning to explore Bali’s rugged terrains and more remote areas. With an SUV, you can venture off the beaten path and enjoy Bali’s diverse landscapes in comfort.

2. Rent a Motorbike in Bali Without a Driver

Motorbikes are the most popular way to get around Bali, andrenting a motorbike without a drivergives you an authentic, local experience. Whether you’re cruising through the busy streets ofKuta,Seminyak, orCanggu, or exploring the scenic countryside, a motorbike is a convenient and affordable way to travel. You can evenrent a Vespa Bali without a driverfor a stylish and classic ride. For those looking for more power,rent a Yamaha Nmax motorbike Bali without a driveroffers a smooth ride with great performance. Alternatively, for thrill-seekers, theKawasaki Ninja motorbike Baliis a perfect option for a fast and exciting ride.

3. Rent a Car in Bali Without a Driver

If you prefer the comfort of a car,renting a car without a driver in Baliis ideal. Cars provide more space, making them perfect for families or those who need to carry extra luggage.Rent a Toyota Avanza Bali without a driveror choose an SUV like theSuzuki Jimnyfor a more adventurous trip. Renting aluxury car Bali without a driveris also an option for those who want to travel in style.

4. Rent a Matic Car in Bali Without a Driver

For those looking for ease of driving,renting a matic car Bali without a driveris a great option. These automatic transmission cars are easy to drive, even for those who are not used to manual gear shifts.

Explore Bali’s Popular Locations

Whether you’re staying near the beach or venturing into the heart of the island, renting a vehicle gives you access to Bali’s best attractions:

The Benefits of Renting Without a Driver

  1. Freedom and Flexibility: You’re in control of your itinerary, allowing you to explore Bali at your own pace.
  2. Cost-Effective: Renting without a driver is typically more affordable than hiring a car or motorbike with a driver.
  3. Privacy: Enjoy the privacy of traveling alone or with your group, without the need to share your space with a driver.
  4. Convenience: Rentals are available 24/7, with the option to rent by the day, week, or even month.

Additional Rental Options

If you need to rent a vehicle for a longer duration, you can opt forBali rental car without driver monthlyor aBali motorbike rental without driver monthlyfor a more extended stay. This option provides a great balance of affordability and flexibility. For those who requireBali car rental without a driver with insurance, peace of mind is guaranteed with additional coverage, ensuring your trip is stress-free.


Renting a car or motorbike in Bali without a driver is a fantastic way to explore this tropical paradise. It gives you the independence and freedom to visit Bali’s most popular spots as well as discover hidden gems off the beaten path. Whether you’re looking for a budget-friendly motorbike or a luxurious SUV, there are rental options available to suit your needs. Start planning your Bali adventure today by renting a car or motorbike without a driver, and experience the island like never before.

Car and Motorbike Rental Services Across Indonesia

Whether you’re planning a getaway in Bali, a business trip in Jakarta, or a scenic road trip through other parts of Indonesia, our car and motorbike rental services are available in major cities across the country. We provide top-quality rentals, without the need for a driver, ensuring that you can travel comfortably and independently. Here are the cities we serve:

1. Bali

Known for its stunning beaches, temples, and vibrant culture,Baliis a top tourist destination. Whether you’re in Kuta, Seminyak, or Ubud, ourBali car and motorbike rentalsoffer flexibility and freedom to explore the island. Enjoy easy access to Bali’s top spots, from the beaches to the mountains.

2. Balikpapan

InBalikpapan, a bustling city in East Kalimantan, we providecar rentals without driversfor both business and leisure travelers. Explore this industrial city and nearby nature spots with ease, or take a road trip to discover the surrounding regions of Kalimantan.

3. Bandung

The cooler climate and scenic beauty ofBandungmake it a popular destination for a getaway from Jakarta. Rent a car or motorbike inBandungto explore the surrounding hills, tea plantations, and the city’s charming cafes and shopping districts.

4. Banyuwangi

Located at the eastern tip of Java,Banyuwangiis a gateway to Bali and offers beautiful beaches and national parks. Renting a vehicle here allows you to exploreBanyuwangi’snatural wonders, includingIjen Craterand the pristine beaches.

5. DKI Jakarta

The heart of Indonesia’s business and culture,DKI Jakartais a bustling metropolis. With ourJakarta car rental services without a driver, you can easily navigate the busy streets or take a drive to the nearby Thousand Islands or cultural sites like the National Monument.

6. Jambi

Known for its natural attractions,Jambiis an off-the-beaten-path destination. Ourcar and motorbike rental services in Jambiprovide you with the freedom to explore theBukit Duabelas National Parkor the historicMuaro Jambi Templecomplex at your own pace.

7. Labuan Bajo

A gateway to the famousKomodo National Park,Labuan Bajoin East Nusa Tenggara offers stunning views and wildlife. Rent a vehicle without a driver to explore this picturesque region and nearby islands, includingPadar IslandandRinca Island.

8. Lombok

With its white sandy beaches, waterfalls, and Mount Rinjani,Lombokis perfect for a road trip. OurLombok motorbike and car rentals without a driverallow you to easily explore the island, fromKutato theSenaru Villagefor a breathtaking view of the volcano.

9. Madiun

Located in East Java,Madiunis a charming town known for its traditional culture. Renting a vehicle inMadiunallows you to explore the countryside, visit historic sites, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this lovely city.

10. Makassar

As South Sulawesi’s capital,Makassaris a hub of culture and history.Car rentals in Makassar without a drivermake it easy to visit top attractions likeLosari Beach,Fort Rotterdam, and take a road trip toTana Torajato experience its unique culture.

11. Malang

The city ofMalang, known for its cooler climate and beautiful landscapes, is a great place to explore by car or motorbike. Whether visiting theJatim Parkor venturing to theBromo-Tengger-Semeru National Park, ourMalang rental servicesoffer a perfect way to travel independently.

12. Manado

Situated in North Sulawesi,Manadooffers natural beauty and rich culture.Rent a motorbike or car without a driverto explore the scenicBunaken National Marine Parkor visit nearby spots likeTondano LakeandTomohonfor a more rural escape.

13. Semarang

Known for its colonial architecture and historical sites,Semarangis a vibrant city in Central Java.Car rental services in Semarangallow you to visit iconic landmarks likeLawang SewuandSam Poo Kong, or take a trip to nearbyKendalorMagelangfor a more tranquil experience.

14. Surabaya

The second-largest city in Indonesia,Surabayais full of history, culture, and commerce. Rent a vehicle here and explore the city’s rich heritage, fromHouse of Sampoernato theSurabaya Zoo, and take a day trip to nearby destinations likeBromoorMalang.

15. Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta, the cultural heart of Java, is famous for itsBorobudurandPrambanan temples. With ourYogyakarta car rental services without a driver, you can easily explore these ancient sites, visitMalioboro Street, or take a scenic drive toMount Merapi.  

Layanan Penyewaan Mobil dan Motor di Seluruh Indonesia

Apakah Anda merencanakan liburan di Bali, perjalanan bisnis di Jakarta, atau petualangan di kota-kota lain di Indonesia, layanan penyewaan mobil dan motor kami tersedia di berbagai kota besar di seluruh negeri. Kami menawarkan penyewaan kendaraan berkualitas tanpa sopir, memberikan kebebasan dan kenyamanan bagi Anda untuk menjelajahi Indonesia dengan cara yang praktis. Berikut adalah daftar kota-kota yang kami layani:

1. Bali

Bali, pulau yang terkenal dengan pantai-pantai indah, kuil-kuil bersejarah, dan budaya yang kaya, adalah destinasi wisata utama di Indonesia. Denganpenyewaan mobil dan motor Bali, Anda bisa menjelajahi setiap sudut pulau ini sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Nikmati akses mudah ke tempat-tempat populer seperti Kuta, Seminyak, atau Ubud.

2. Balikpapan

Balikpapan adalah kota industri di Kalimantan Timur yang juga menawarkan tempat-tempat wisata menarik. Denganpenyewaan mobil di Balikpapan tanpa sopir, Anda bisa menjelajahi kota dan sekitarnya, atau menjelajahi hutan tropis Kalimantan untuk pengalaman yang lebih unik.

3. Bandung

Bandung, dengan cuacanya yang sejuk dan pemandangan yang indah, menjadi pilihan favorit bagi wisatawan yang ingin melarikan diri dari keramaian Jakarta. Denganpenyewaan mobil dan motor Bandung, Anda bisa menikmati wisata alam, kuliner, dan belanja di kawasan Lembang dan Dago.

4. Banyuwangi

Terletak di ujung timur Jawa, Banyuwangi adalah pintu gerbang menuju Bali dan memiliki berbagai tempat wisata alam yang luar biasa. Denganpenyewaan kendaraan di Banyuwangi, Anda bisa mengunjungi tempat-tempat indah sepertiKawah Ijenatau pantai-pantai eksotis yang ada di sekitar kawasan ini.

5. DKI Jakarta

Sebagai ibu kota Indonesia, Jakarta adalah pusat bisnis dan budaya. Denganpenyewaan mobil tanpa sopir di Jakarta, Anda bisa lebih leluasa menjelajahi kota, mengunjungi tempat wisata sepertiMonas,Kota Tua, dan menikmati kuliner yang ada di berbagai kawasan.

6. Jambi

Jambi, yang dikenal dengan keindahan alamnya, menawarkan destinasi wisata yang jarang dijelajahi wisatawan. Denganpenyewaan mobil di Jambi, Anda bisa mengunjungiTaman Nasional Bukit DuabelasatauCandi Muaro Jambi, tempat yang menyimpan sejarah panjang Indonesia.

7. Labuan Bajo

Sebagai pintu gerbang menujuTaman Nasional Komodo,Labuan Bajodi Nusa Tenggara Timur menawarkan keindahan alam yang luar biasa.Penyewaan mobil dan motor di Labuan Bajomemungkinkan Anda menjelajahi pulau-pulau sekitarnya, termasukPulau PadardanPulau Rinca.

8. Lombok

Lombok dengan pantai-pantai putihnya, air terjun, dan Gunung Rinjani adalah tujuan wisata yang populer.Penyewaan mobil dan motor Lomboktanpa sopir memberikan kebebasan untuk menjelajahi pulau ini, dariKutahingga desaSenaruyang menawarkan pemandangan luar biasa.

9. Madiun

Madiun, yang terletak di Jawa Timur, adalah kota kecil yang penuh dengan budaya dan sejarah. Denganpenyewaan kendaraan di Madiun, Anda dapat menikmati suasana pedesaan atau mengunjungi tempat-tempat wisata sepertiTaman RekreasidanCandi Sumber Uling.

10. Makassar

Makassar adalah ibu kota Sulawesi Selatan yang terkenal dengan budaya dan sejarahnya yang kaya.Penyewaan mobil di Makassar tanpa sopirmemungkinkan Anda untuk menjelajahi kota, mengunjungiPantai Losari,Benteng Rotterdam, atau pergi keTana Torajauntuk menikmati kehidupan adat yang unik.

11. Malang

Malang adalah kota yang terkenal dengan udara sejuk dan pemandangan yang memukau. Denganpenyewaan mobil dan motor di Malang, Anda dapat menjelajahiGunung Bromo,Jatim Park, dan berbagai wisata alam lainnya di sekitar kota ini.

12. Manado

Manado, yang terletak di Sulawesi Utara, dikenal dengan keindahan alam bawah lautnya dan wisata alam yang luar biasa. Denganpenyewaan kendaraan di Manado, Anda bisa mengunjungiTaman Laut Bunaken,Danau Tondano, dan banyak tempat indah lainnya yang ada di sekitar kota ini.

13. Semarang

Semarang, kota dengan sejarah kolonial yang kental, menawarkan banyak tempat wisata yang menarik. Denganpenyewaan mobil di Semarang, Anda dapat mengunjungiLawang Sewu,Vihara Sam Poo Kong, atau pergi keMagelanguntuk menikmati keindahanCandi Borobudur.

14. Surabaya

Sebagai kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia,Surabayamenawarkan pengalaman wisata yang kaya dengan sejarah. Denganpenyewaan mobil tanpa sopir di Surabaya, Anda dapat menjelajahiHouse of Sampoerna,Kebun Binatang Surabaya, dan bahkan melakukan perjalanan sehari keBromoatauMalang.

15. Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta adalah pusat kebudayaan Jawa yang terkenal denganCandi BorobudurdanCandi Prambanan. Denganpenyewaan mobil dan motor di Yogyakarta, Anda dapat mengunjungi situs-situs bersejarah ini,Malioboro Street, dan menikmati keindahanGunung Merapi.

Mengapa Memilih Kami untuk Layanan Penyewaan Mobil dan Motor Anda?

Tidak peduli di kota mana Anda berada di Indonesia, layanan penyewaan mobil dan motor kami memberikan kenyamanan, fleksibilitas, dan harga yang terjangkau untuk perjalanan Anda. Kami menyediakan kendaraan untuk kebutuhan jangka pendek dan panjang, dengan berbagai pilihan yang sesuai dengan anggaran dan preferensi Anda. Baik Anda berlibur diBaliatau berada diJakartauntuk urusan bisnis, kami siap membantu Anda dengan penyewaan kendaraan yang mudah dan tanpa ribet. Kami bangga memberikan layanan kendaraan yang terawat dengan baik, dengan ketentuan yang transparan. Tanpa perlu sopir, Anda bebas menjelajahi tempat-tempat menarik dengan waktu dan kenyamanan Anda sendiri. Segera lakukan pemesanan untuk liburan atau perjalanan bisnis Anda dan nikmati pengalaman tak terlupakan di Indonesia.

Why Choose Us for Your Car and Motorbike Rental Needs?

No matter where you are in Indonesia, our car and motorbike rental services offer the convenience, flexibility, and affordability you need to explore the country. We provide rentals for both short-term and long-term needs, with options tailored to your budget and preferences. Whether you’re in Bali for a vacation or inJakartafor business, you can count on us to provide reliable and hassle-free rentals. We take pride in offering well-maintained vehicles with clear and transparent terms. Plus, with no need for a driver, you’re free to explore the beautiful sights at your own pace. Book your rental today, and let us be a part of your unforgettable Indonesian journey.
Get to know Translia

Translia is a vehicle rental and service application accommodation established in 2023. This website is operated and organized by PT. Trans Lia Nusantara, with carries a website platform as a medium to serve the public general needs for vehicle rental and accommodation tickets and tourism throughout Indonesia.

Regarding Translia's Privacy Policy,

The privacy policy explains all types of services that using user data as a means to expedite services provided by Translia. Translia committed to maintaining data confidentiality and security customers as part of the company.

Translia Privacy Policy:
Personal Information we collect

In this Privacy Policy we include an explanation regarding the procedures we collect, use, disclose, process, analyze, change, delete, store and protect your personal information and data that identifies or can be used for identify you either as provided by you and/or that we collect from you or third parties (“Data Personal").

When you access the Online Services, create an account personal and/or placing an order, you must provide to Us Personal Data for Us to record and store as following:


We will ask you to fill in personal data you correctly, clearly, completely, accurately and not misleading, such as names, email addresses, telephone numbers, complete address, Identification Card (KTP), Passport, your booking details (such as hotel name, hotel location and length of stay, airline name, departure date and arrival), and other information that can be obtained identify Users;


We will ask you to fill in payment data when you carry out payment transaction activities via Online Services, including but not limited to bank account data, credit cards, virtual accounts, instant payment, internet banking, retail outlets, paylater;


When you make a payment by Credit Card, You will be asked to fill in your credit card data you correctly, clearly, completely, accurately and not misleading, such as Card Type data (Visa/MasterCard), Name of Card Holder, Name of Credit Card Issuing Bank, Card Number (Only the last 4 digits appear), and Card Expired Date. Any data you provide will saved automatically to the payment database system gateway that we use ( not directly saves your Credit Card database, however saved to our payment gateway database system use) in order to process transaction payments then it can be easier and faster, because all Your database has been stored completely, safely and There is no need to repeat the saving process for the same Credit Card data.


If necessary, we will ask for a review/rating in connection with our Online Services and/or products


When you contact throughout Our customer service, We will collect and stores information related to your interactions with Our Customer Service.


You may provide us with Personal Data that relating to other third party individuals (incl when you add third party individual data as airline passengers or hotel visitors). In terms of this you promise and guarantee us that you have obtain properly documented consent from relevant third party individuals and hereby consent on behalf of the individual to the collection, use, disclosure and processing of his Personal Data by us.

Information collected each time you use Online Services or visit our website


We will collect information about your computer or whatever media you use, including IP address, operating system, browser used, URL, page, geographic location and access times and other data related to your computer usage and is recorded when you use our online services (“Details IP”).

Use of Your Personal Information

The data we collect is for necessity purposes payment terms, as well as other services that available on Translia. The stored data is used as our reference in order to validate and confirm data correctness, payment information and data security. There are things that need to be noted so that they don't happen Future problems are as follows:


We use this information for purposes data verification, opening access for you to upload or share the necessary information over the phone your handheld as well as to improve your fluency in using the Online Services which includes but does not limited to processing refunds, insurance claims, booking and cancellation processes.


We use your Personal Data for the purpose of process your transactions, manage and streamline the process of using Online Services, as well as the purposes others as long as permitted by statutory regulations applicable.


We may use your Personal Data and information others collected for Media marketing purposes Social using live graphic techniques and open and for conventional digital marketing purposes, such as sending you a newsletter or push notification, automatically, included but not limited via electronic mail, WhatsApp, and via social media (such as YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, Line, Tumblr, Telegram, Reddit, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc.) to provide information new products, special offers, promotional programs, campaigns or other information that we think will be of interest to you You


We can use all the information we receive to protect ourselves against all claims and laws applicable in connection with the use of services and violations that you commit on our website above all provisions as stipulated in the terms Translia services and product and service usage guidelines We, including but not limited to if necessary above Court orders in legal proceedings.


We may use your Personal Data to perform investigation of suspicious transactions or transactions that are indicated to contain elements of fraud or violation of terms of service and guidelines for using products and services We and the applicable legal provisions, and carry out Actions necessary to overcome it.


We may publish your review of the Services Online and/or our products.


for any other purpose we notify you of at the time we collect Personal Data.

Access, correction and deletion of Personal Information

You have the right to access, correct, change and/or delete Personal Data that you have provided and have stored in our system by contacting the Customer Our Services and/or through the features found on Our application. We reserve the right to refuse your request to access, repair or delete some or all Your Personal Data that We store or control during permitted or required under applicable law. This may include circumstances where Personal Data You contain references to other individuals or where request to access, correct or delete is for reasons that We consider may require effort technical matters that are disproportionate or may pose a risk operational

Storage of Personal Information

Your Personal Data will only be kept as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected or during such retention is required or permitted by law. In the event that we share your Personal Data with institutions authorized government and/or other third parties who may be appointed by a government authority or collaborating with Us, you agree and acknowledge that storage of your Personal Data by related parties will follow each party's policies regarding data storage.


In the event that we share your Personal Data with parties third, authorized government agencies and/or institutions others who may be appointed by government authorities or have cooperation with us, you agree and acknowledge that the storage of your Personal Data by third parties and/ or related agencies will follow their policies each about data storage. We won't responsible for the Personal Data retention policy you. You agree to indemnify, defend, and indemnify us, officers, directors, employees, agents, partners, suppliers, contractors and Affiliates us from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities, expenses, damages, and costs (incl but not limited to costs and lawsuits expenses on a full indemnity basis) resulting directly or indirectly from Data storage Your privacy by third parties.

Security of Your Personal Data

You agree that any information you submit via the internet is not completely safe. However, We will use our best efforts to protect and safeguard your Personal Data against any access, collection, use and disclosure by parties who unauthorized and against unauthorized data processing, incidental loss, damage or other losses. You also agree that We cannot be held responsible regarding the integrity and accuracy of any Personal Data or warrant that the Personal Data will not copied, accessed, disclosed, altered or destroyed by unauthorized third parties, arising in beyond our control.


You are fully responsible for the confidentiality of the Data Your personal, including responsibility for all access and use of Online Services including passwords, accounts, One Time Password (OTP) and token. For safety confidentiality of your data, We strongly recommend to store your account and password securely and/or change your password regularly. You are responsible responsible for any use without permission and/or without to your knowledge and we are not responsible against any losses arising from negligence You.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make changes, additions and/or reduction of all or part of the provisions of This Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notification and any changes that we make We will inform you about this via the Online Service. We hope that you will periodically check regarding this policy. By continuing to access and using Our Online Services then you are considered agree to any changes that may exist in this Privacy Policy.


By reading all of these terms, accessing and using Our Online Services, then you are considered declare that they have been informed, read, understand, agree to, and declare compliance with, this Privacy Policy along with any changes that we may make to time to time. You declare that any Personal Data The data you provide is correct and valid data. You can withdraw your consent by contacting Our Customer Service.

At our sole discretion regarding any of your behavior as a customer including and/or deemed to violate the law and applicable provisions and constitutes a violation of the Terms Use, or is harmful to our interests, then above any violation that occurs results in immediate revocation of the access permission granted in these provisions without prior notification to you and We reserve the right to refuse service, terminate accounts, and or cancel the order you placed, including and not limited to revealing identities in your database to the competent authority on the basis of a warrant legitimate. You must be responsible for all losses We and our affiliates and partners or associates, including and not limited to third party claims, along with other costs that may arise as a result resulting from your behavior. Content provided on This website is solely for informational purposes. With If you agree to these terms, you will also release us from responsibility for any claims, objections, damages, or losses resulting from use of the website or services contained therein.